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About Me


   I first planned to travel to Ecuador in the summer of 2020 on my church's annual mission trip to the jungle of Misahuallí. Unfortunately, that year's trip was canceled due to the corona virus. I was very disappointed and thought that my chance to visit this beautiful country was gone. But God had other plans in store for me!


   Last year during my senior year in high school I learned about an opportunity to serve in the jungle with the ministry Jungle Kids for Christ. The position was a year long opportunity to work in the Student Resident Home that provides boarding for girls attending Antioch Christian Academy. I jumped at the chance and was so grateful to receive the position. Starting in August 2022 I will be working at the Student Resident home with 8 girls ages 5-12.


   After my year in the jungle, I will be attending Oklahoma CIty University to study Vocal Performance and minor in Directing. I chose to defer going to college for a year because I felt this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture and serve God by working with a nonprofit that I know is doing important work in the community of Ecuador. I am so excited to begin working with the girls  and serving the community of Misahuallí in whatever ways I can!

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